Digital Marketing Channel's


Digital Marketing Channel’s

      Digital Marketing Is nothing but a Online Marketing, it is used for promoting our business through online. There are so many channel’s are there “Social Media” “SEO” Affiliate market” Messaging”E-mail market’’ Influencer market.

Social media :

Social Media is a online market it is a use  every one Develop their business todays every one using mobiles to reach audience gettering information social media promoting product and services social medias are you tube ,instagram, linked in ,twitter other.

digital marketing chaneels

Seo :(search engine optimization),today peoples search in every thing and getting information ,More peoples used in seo is google, the different types of search engines is there are google ,bingo ,yahoo ,dabdab the no .one search engine is google ,seo divided into two types there are One page seo, -Article s ,blogs, html post ,off page seo-Backlinks , seo is relevance and authority ,Relevance is under standing, authoriy is values seo Advanages leads,2.Customer intent, seo Disadvantages take more time (6 month) ,paid ads seo authorities-dwell time ,page for session, bonu rate scroll depth ,repeat vision user behaviour ,user experience-responsive ,page speed, content, social authority fb ,instagramm  linkedin twitter ,off page seo backlinks your website linked in other website is called as backlinks ,seo activities on your website is called on page seo,seo activities not on your website is an off page seo.

Affiliate Market : Affiliate market is on online market it is flipcard, amazon it is sale on product oder in app its deliverd in home it money cash on are card .

Messages : we are purchase on product given message are  bank give in your account any money transaction on credited are debited money is inimated in your mobile message are this type messages loan approval any business activies messages send

E-Mail market: any business are google aking your e-mail ,bank loans taking mail sende loan approval on you any where asking e-mail to log in  e-mail marketing is important on some websites business                                                                                                      

 INFLUENCING MARKET:   influencing market is a promoting product though influencer means social media influencer more peoples follow on here page give more likes ,share ,compliments ,most popular anr trend set is called as influencer, the business person ad with influencer product promoting business development  there business more sales improve more persons understand there product buying

Google ads : google display mehod ,video method,performance maximing  , remarketing(cross plat form),  sales/marketing,/brand, content development-quality,Drop servicing shipping mee show
